The community-based seniors’ services (CBSS) sector is made up of community-based organizations that provide seniors with access to a range of low-barrier programs in seven core areas: nutritional supports; health and wellness programs; physical activity; education, recreation and creative arts; information, referral and personal advocacy; transportation; and affordable housing. These programs and services are offered through a range of municipal and non-profit agencies including: senior centres; community centres; neighbourhood houses; community coalitions; ethno-cultural organizations; and multi-service non-profit societies. United Way British Columbia, HelpAge Canada and other CBSS Partners invite you to learn more about the CBSS sector and network with CBSS sector members and researchers. The first half of the event will include an introduction to the CBSS sector and presentations by United Way British Columba, Healthy Aging Alberta, and HelpAge Canada on the work being done provincially and nationally to connect and build the capacity of the CBSS sector across Canada. The second half of the event will consist of a networking event that will allow attendees to connect and build relationships with members of the CBSS sector, researchers working with or interested in working with the sector, and other CBSS partners. Information will also be provided on how you can get involved with the upcoming pan-Canadian Summit on Aging.