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Frequently Asked Questions

Get answers quickly to the most common questions about our conference here — click the tab most relevant to your question.

  • When will I hear if my abstract was accepted?
    Abstract notifications should be distributed in late July or early August.
  • How do I submit an abstract for the conference?
    Please visit the Call for Abstracts page and click the button for “Submit Your Abstract: Call for Abstracts.” This will download the official Call for Abstracts (PDF) that contains the link to the abstract submission system.
  • Where do I find the link to the online abstract system to submit my abstract?
    Please visit the Call for Abstracts page and click the button for “Submit Your Abstract: Call for Abstracts.” This will download the official Call for Abstracts (PDF) that contains the link to the abstract submission system.
  • How do I submit an abstract for the CIHR-IA Student Poster competition?
    Please visit the CIHR-IA Student Poster Competition page.
  • May I submit my abstract by email?
    No, we do not accept abstracts by email; abstracts submitted by email will not be considered for presentation. Please follow the directions for submitting an abstract on the Call for Abstracts page.
  • When are abstracts due?
    Abstracts must be submitted through the online abstract system by April 14, 2023. For more information, please visit the Call for Abstracts page.
  • May I submit my abstract in English or French?
    Abstracts may be submitted in either English or French. These abstracts will be published and presented in the language submitted. Simultaneous interpretation is not available for individual sessions.
  • Are travel grants available for the conference?
    The Legacy Fund of the Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to provide funding to assist CAG student members to attend CAG2023. For more information, visit the CAG2023Student Travel Grant page. Please note, travel grants are available only to current student members of the Canadian Association on Gerontology. If you are not already a member, you may join the CAG here. No other funding assistance is available. We kindly ask that you do not contact us with other inquiries about travel funding.
  • Do you accept international submissions?
    Yes, we encourage submissions from all countries. However, please note that the CAG is a charitable organization with limited resources and as such, we are unfortunately not able to reduce or waive registration fees or provide any travel assistance (except for current CAG student members) under any circumstances for any delegates (international or domestic).
  • I need to make changes to an abstract I submitted. What should I do?
    You may edit your abstract through the online abstract system until the abstract submission deadline. After the submission deadline, edits may be requested by contacting us. Please be sure to include all pertinent information for the amendment in your initial email. If you wish to add authors, kindly include author names, affiliations and correct order of appearance.
  • If my abstract is accepted, do I still have to pay to register for the conference?
    Yes, as indicated in the Call for Abstracts, all presenters must register for the conference. Submitting an abstract implies an intention to register for and present at the conference if your abstract is accepted. Please note that we are not able to waive registration fees under any circumstances.
  • How do I register for the conference?
    Visit the Registration page for details about registration.
  • How much does it cost to register for the conference?
    Registration fee information is available on the Registration page.
  • How can I save on my conference registration fees?
    Join the Canadian Association on Gerontology! Members save on registration fees among other benefits. Student members of the CAG may apply for conference travel grants. The CAG is also pleased to provide discounted registration fees for students , persons aged 65+, care partners and non-profit organizations.
  • I am a student. Are reduced registration fees available?
    Yes, the CAG is pleased to provide discounted registration fees for students. Please visit the Registration page for more information. Student members of the CAG may apply for conference travel grants.
  • I am aged 65+. Are reduced registration fees available?
    Yes, the CAG is pleased to provide discounted registration fees for people aged 65+. Please visit the Registration page for more information.
  • I am a care partner to an older adult. Are reduced registration fees available?
    Yes, the CAG is pleased to provide discounted registration fees for care partners. Please visit the Registration page for more information.
  • I am attending from a not-for-profit organization. Are reduced registration fees available?
    CAG may be able to provide discounted registration rates for non-profit organizations. Please contact us for more information.
  • Do you offer one-day registrations?
    Yes, one-day registrations are available. Please visit the Registration page for more information.
  • I am presenting at the conference. Do I still need to pay to register?
    Yes, as indicated in the Call for Abstracts, all presenters must register for the conference. Submitting an abstract implies an intention to register for and present at the conference if your abstract is accepted. Please note that we are not able to waive registration fees under any circumstances.
  • I am presenting at the conference. Do you offer reduced registration fees for presenters?
    No, unfortunately we are unable to offer reduced fees for presenters at the conference outside of our general subsidized fees for students, people aged 65+, care partners and some not-for-profit organizations. For lower fees, you may choose to register only for the day of your presentation. Please visit the Registration page for more information on one-day registrations. Please note that we are not able to waive registration fees under any circumstances.
  • What sessions are included in my registration fee?
    Full conference registration fees include the Opening Ceremonies as well as all sessions on the two conference days. One day registration fees include all sessions on the conference day for which you have registered. Please note, pre-conference events require separate registration and may require a separate registration fee. Pre-conference events are not included in your conference registration fee.
  • Do I need to choose individual sessions to attend at the conference?
    No, your conference registration includes all conference sessions for the day(s) in which you are registered. You do not need to select conference sessions in advance. Please note, pre-conference events require separate registration and may require a separate registration fee. Pre-conference events are not included in your conference registration fee.
  • I need to cancel my registration. What should I do?
    Please note that all cancellations are subject to the Cancellation Policy you agreed to when you registered for the conference. To cancel your registration or to name a substitute presenter, please contact us.
  • Is the program available online?
    The full conference program, including abstracts, will be available from the Program page in summer 2023.
  • Are the presentation abstracts available?
    The full conference program, including abstracts, will be available from the Program page in summer 2023.
  • Who are the keynote speakers?
    Please visit our Keynotes page for information on the conference speakers. All keynote sessions will offer simultaneous translation.
  • How can I keep informed on conference updates?
    Join our conference mailing list; follow us on Twitter and Facebook; and view the conference Twitter feed.
  • Do I need to choose individual sessions to attend at the conference?
    No, your conference registration includes all conference sessions for the day(s) in which you are registered. You do not need to select conference sessions in advance. Please note, pre-conference events require separate registration and may require a separate registration fee. Pre-conference events are not included in your conference registration fee.
  • Is simultaneous interpretation offered for conference sessions?
    Simultaneous interpretation is offered for all keynote sessions. Simultaneous interpretation is not available for any other session unless otherwise indicated in the program.
  • Will a printed program be available?
  • Where is the conference being held?
    CAG2023 will be held at the Hilton Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. For more information and to book your room, please visit our Hotel & Travel pages.
  • Are preferred hotel room rates available?
    Yes, we are pleased to offer discounted hotel rooms at the conference venue; enjoy the convenience of staying at the conference hotel. For more information, please visit our Hotel & Travel pages.
  • Are travel discounts available for the conference?
    Yes, we are pleased to provide discount codes for travel on Air Canada, WestJet and VIA Rail. Please visit our Hotel & Travel pages for more information.
  • Are travel grants available for the conference?
    The Legacy Fund of the Canadian Association on Gerontology is pleased to provide funding to assist CAG student members to attend CAG2023. For more information, visit the CAG2023 Student Travel Grant page. Please note, Travel grants are available only to current student members of the Canadian Association on Gerontology. If you are not already a member, you may join the CAG here. No other funding assistance is available. We kindly ask that you do not contact us with other inquiries about travel funding.
  • I want to showcase my company at the conference. What options are available?
    Numerous sponsorship and exhibiting opportunities are available to suit any budget, including pre-conference events, sponsored sessions, general conference sponsors, exhibit booths, program advertisements, delegate bag inserts and more. View our Prospectus page for more information.
  • I want to host a pre-conference event at the conference.
    Pre-conference events are held on Thursday, October 26, 2023 before the CAG2023 opening ceremonies. Events may be a full- or half-day in length. As a pre-conference event sponsor, you’ll control the content of the session and your event will receive special promotions through the conference mailing list and social media accounts, among other benefits. Delegates may register for your event separately without registering for the CAG2023 conference (fees apply). For more information, please view our Prospectus page.
  • I want to host a sponsored session at the conference.
    Sponsored sessions will take place during the CAG2023 conference days: Friday, October 27 and Saturday, October 28. As a session sponsor you may propose your own session and content (symposium or workshop) or sponsor an already existing session (restrictions apply). These sessions are 90 minutes in length and receive prime program times and room locations, as well as special promotions through the conference mailing list and social media accounts, among other benefits. These sponsored sessions are open to all registered CAG2023 delegates. For more information, please view our Prospectus page.
  • What is the Canadian Association on Gerontology?
    The Canadian Association on Gerontology (CAG) is Canada’s premier multidisciplinary association for those who research, work and have an interest in the field of aging. Our vision is to be the Canadian authority on individual and population aging. Our mission is to improve the lives of older Canadians through the creation and dissemination of knowledge in gerontological policy, practice, research and education. Membership is open to everyone — members save on their conference registration fees among other benefits — for more information and to join the CAG, please visit the Association website.
  • Who attends the CAG conference?
    Our Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting is a multidisciplinary event attended by all those with an interest in aging, including researchers, practitioners, policy-makers, community organizations, industry, students and older adults, among others. Delegates represent a diverse range of disciplines and professions including the health sciences, basic/clinical sciences, social sciences, humanities, social policy and practice, and more. Anyone interested in attending the event may register.
  • How many people attend the CAG conference?
    Our Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting is typically attended by 500 – 600 delegates drawn from a diverse spectrum of professions, disciplines and interests in the field of aging.

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Please note that due to the large volume of inquiries, it may take a few days for a response.  We kindly request that you do not submit multiple inquiries on the same topic.

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Showcase your organization...

CAG2023 is the 52nd Annual Scientific and Educational Meeting of the Canadian Association on Gerontology, Canada’s premier association of those who work, research or have an interest in the field of aging. CAG members receive reduced rates to attend CAG2023, among other benefits. Visit the CAG website to read more about membership and to view programs from previous meetings.

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We acknowledge the land we are on is the traditional territory of many nations including the Mississaugas of the Credit, the Anishnabeg, the Chippewa, the Haudenosaunee and the Wendat peoples and is now home to many diverse First Nations, Inuit and Métis peoples. We also acknowledge that Toronto is covered by Treaty 13 with the Mississaugas of the Credit.

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